Rachel E Davis, LMT
Welcome! Your journey to living a life you love begins here. What if you could wave a magic wand and feel better in your body? What if you had a tool at your disposal, so that when aches and pains did arise, you could take control and they would vanish...just go "poof"? What if, when anxiety strikes, you had a way to manage it in the moment? If this sounds like something you could use…read on, my friend.
As a bodyworker, I specialize in a technique called FasciaBlasting®. Whether you are new to it, or you have been using the FasciaBlaster® tools for some time; I can help you decrease pain, improve mobility, and smooth the appearance of your skin. Everyone has a different reason for using these incredible tools. Regardless of your particular reason, I am here to assist vou.
I love the human body. It's a masterpiece. The human body is the ultimate self-healing organism. What I love most is empowering you to find your best self…your personal masterpiece, whatever that is for Y-O-U. For 22 years, I have been a licensed massage therapist and am interested in alternative medicine approaches. I've struggled for years with chronic pain, due to scoliosis and soft tissue restrictions. I thought I'd have to live with discomfort for the rest of my life. I found myself restricting my activities due to low back pain, and in particular, pain in my hip flexors. Sitting had become my enemy, and I never knew if I was going to throw my back out when I lifted groceries, moved a chair, or just sat for too long. My body was feeling way too old…way too soon. Going to the gym and getting in shape seemed like a great idea, but in my heart, I had no idea how I was going to get "there" from "here".
In addition to chronic pain, I struggled with body image issues. That self-critical voice was a constant enemy in my head, robbing me of a life of enjoyment, self-esteem, and fun. I saw the same dysfunction in my massage clients. People with chronic psoas tension pull on the low back, causing a myriad of issues. I could offer suggestions for stretches & massage techniques, but frankly, these just weren't enough…for me or my clients. Then, synchronicity happened, I discovered Ashley Black and her FasciaBlasting® tools. I used the tools on myself first, and after eliminating my pain, (and increasing my self-esteem) to GREAT astonishment I might add, I introduced them into my practice. It has been a game-changer ever since!! My clients began requesting their massage sessions be FasciaBlasting® sessions instead!!
Rachel also is the Fairy Godmother of Worthiness
Serving LGBTQ+, their families, and ENM (Ethically Non-Monogamous) community through the coming out process, so that they can feel supported and more expressive of their true selves through EFT. Would you like a free consultation?
Check out Rachel’s website here
Contraindications for Fascia Blasting:
NO HISTORY of blood clots
Taking any anti-coagulant blood thinners.
Acute infection or allergy syptoms….if so, rest and heal.
Uncontrolled congestive heart failure (CHF).
Have Thrombophlbitis.
Currently have cancer or are under treatment for it.
Have neoplasms.
Abnormalities in your circulatory system or heart rhythms.
Open skin legions.
Pulmonary embolism.
Mesh in your body? (Ex: hernia repair)